64 research outputs found

    A Neuro-Augmented Observer for Robust Fault Detection in Nonlinear Systems

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    A new fault detection method using neural-networks-augmented state observer for nonlinear systems is presented in this paper. The novelty of the approach is that instead of approximating the entire nonlinear system with neural network, we only approximate the unmodeled part that is left over after linearization, in which a radial basis function (RBF) neural network is adopted. Compared with conventional linear observer, the proposed observer structure provides more accurate estimation of the system state. The state estimation error is proved to asymptotically approach zero by the Lyapunov method. An aircraft system demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed fault detection scheme, simulation results of which show that the proposed RBF neural network-based observer scheme is effective and has a potential application in fault detection and identification (FDI) for nonlinear systems

    A Comprehensive Study on Knowledge Graph Embedding over Relational Patterns Based on Rule Learning

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    Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) has proven to be an effective approach to solving the Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) task. Relational patterns which refer to relations with specific semantics exhibiting graph patterns are an important factor in the performance of KGE models. Though KGE models' capabilities are analyzed over different relational patterns in theory and a rough connection between better relational patterns modeling and better performance of KGC has been built, a comprehensive quantitative analysis on KGE models over relational patterns remains absent so it is uncertain how the theoretical support of KGE to a relational pattern contributes to the performance of triples associated to such a relational pattern. To address this challenge, we evaluate the performance of 7 KGE models over 4 common relational patterns on 2 benchmarks, then conduct an analysis in theory, entity frequency, and part-to-whole three aspects and get some counterintuitive conclusions. Finally, we introduce a training-free method Score-based Patterns Adaptation (SPA) to enhance KGE models' performance over various relational patterns. This approach is simple yet effective and can be applied to KGE models without additional training. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method generally enhances performance over specific relational patterns. Our source code is available from GitHub at https://github.com/zjukg/Comprehensive-Study-over-Relational-Patterns.Comment: This paper is accepted by ISWC 202

    When Do Program-of-Thoughts Work for Reasoning?

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    The reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role in the realm of embodied artificial intelligence. Although there are effective methods like program-of-thought prompting for LLMs which uses programming language to tackle complex reasoning tasks, the specific impact of code data on the improvement of reasoning capabilities remains under-explored. To address this gap, we propose complexity-impacted reasoning score (CIRS), which combines structural and logical attributes, to measure the correlation between code and reasoning abilities. Specifically, we use the abstract syntax tree to encode the structural information and calculate logical complexity by considering the difficulty and the cyclomatic complexity. Through an empirical analysis, we find not all code data of complexity can be learned or understood by LLMs. Optimal level of complexity is critical to the improvement of reasoning abilities by program-aided prompting. Then we design an auto-synthesizing and stratifying algorithm, and apply it to instruction generation for mathematical reasoning and code data filtering for code generation tasks. Extensive results demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Code will be integrated into the EasyInstruct framework at https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyInstruct.Comment: Work in progres

    Disentangled Contrastive Learning for Learning Robust Textual Representations

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    Although the self-supervised pre-training of transformer models has resulted in the revolutionizing of natural language processing (NLP) applications and the achievement of state-of-the-art results with regard to various benchmarks, this process is still vulnerable to small and imperceptible permutations originating from legitimate inputs. Intuitively, the representations should be similar in the feature space with subtle input permutations, while large variations occur with different meanings. This motivates us to investigate the learning of robust textual representation in a contrastive manner. However, it is non-trivial to obtain opposing semantic instances for textual samples. In this study, we propose a disentangled contrastive learning method that separately optimizes the uniformity and alignment of representations without negative sampling. Specifically, we introduce the concept of momentum representation consistency to align features and leverage power normalization while conforming the uniformity. Our experimental results for the NLP benchmarks demonstrate that our approach can obtain better results compared with the baselines, as well as achieve promising improvements with invariance tests and adversarial attacks. The code is available in https://github.com/zjunlp/DCL.Comment: Work in progres

    CodeKGC: Code Language Model for Generative Knowledge Graph Construction

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    Current generative knowledge graph construction approaches usually fail to capture structural knowledge by simply flattening natural language into serialized texts or a specification language. However, large generative language model trained on structured data such as code has demonstrated impressive capability in understanding natural language for structural prediction and reasoning tasks. Intuitively, we address the task of generative knowledge graph construction with code language model: given a code-format natural language input, the target is to generate triples which can be represented as code completion tasks. Specifically, we develop schema-aware prompts that effectively utilize the semantic structure within the knowledge graph. As code inherently possesses structure, such as class and function definitions, it serves as a useful model for prior semantic structural knowledge. Furthermore, we employ a rationale-enhanced generation method to boost the performance. Rationales provide intermediate steps, thereby improving knowledge extraction abilities. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach can obtain better performance on benchmark datasets compared with baselines. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/DeepKE/tree/main/example/llm.Comment: Work in progres

    On Robustness and Bias Analysis of BERT-based Relation Extraction

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    Fine-tuning pre-trained models have achieved impressive performance on standard natural language processing benchmarks. However, the resultant model generalizability remains poorly understood. We do not know, for example, how excellent performance can lead to the perfection of generalization models. In this study, we analyze a fine-tuned BERT model from different perspectives using relation extraction. We also characterize the differences in generalization techniques according to our proposed improvements. From empirical experimentation, we find that BERT suffers a bottleneck in terms of robustness by way of randomizations, adversarial and counterfactual tests, and biases (i.e., selection and semantic). These findings highlight opportunities for future improvements. Our open-sourced testbed DiagnoseRE is available in \url{https://github.com/zjunlp/DiagnoseRE}.Comment: work in progres

    OceanGPT: A Large Language Model for Ocean Science Tasks

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    Ocean science, which delves into the oceans that are reservoirs of life and biodiversity, is of great significance given that oceans cover over 70% of our planet's surface. Recently, advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed the paradigm in science. Despite the success in other domains, current LLMs often fall short in catering to the needs of domain experts like oceanographers, and the potential of LLMs for ocean science is under-explored. The intrinsic reason may be the immense and intricate nature of ocean data as well as the necessity for higher granularity and richness in knowledge. To alleviate these issues, we introduce OceanGPT, the first-ever LLM in the ocean domain, which is expert in various ocean science tasks. We propose DoInstruct, a novel framework to automatically obtain a large volume of ocean domain instruction data, which generates instructions based on multi-agent collaboration. Additionally, we construct the first oceanography benchmark, OceanBench, to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in the ocean domain. Though comprehensive experiments, OceanGPT not only shows a higher level of knowledge expertise for oceans science tasks but also gains preliminary embodied intelligence capabilities in ocean technology. Codes, data and checkpoints will soon be available at https://github.com/zjunlp/KnowLM.Comment: Work in progress. Project Website: https://zjunlp.github.io/project/OceanGPT

    Learning to Ask for Data-Efficient Event Argument Extraction

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    Event argument extraction (EAE) is an important task for information extraction to discover specific argument roles. In this study, we cast EAE as a question-based cloze task and empirically analyze fixed discrete token template performance. As generating human-annotated question templates is often time-consuming and labor-intensive, we further propose a novel approach called "Learning to Ask," which can learn optimized question templates for EAE without human annotations. Experiments using the ACE-2005 dataset demonstrate that our method based on optimized questions achieves state-of-the-art performance in both the few-shot and supervised settings.Comment: work in progres

    Normal vs. Adversarial: Salience-based Analysis of Adversarial Samples for Relation Extraction

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    Recent neural-based relation extraction approaches, though achieving promising improvement on benchmark datasets, have reported their vulnerability towards adversarial attacks. Thus far, efforts mostly focused on generating adversarial samples or defending adversarial attacks, but little is known about the difference between normal and adversarial samples. In this work, we take the first step to leverage the salience-based method to analyze those adversarial samples. We observe that salience tokens have a direct correlation with adversarial perturbations. We further find the adversarial perturbations are either those tokens not existing in the training set or superficial cues associated with relation labels. To some extent, our approach unveils the characters against adversarial samples. We release an open-source testbed, "DiagnoseAdv" in https://github.com/zjunlp/DiagnoseAdv.Comment: IJCKG 202

    Contrastive Demonstration Tuning for Pre-trained Language Models

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    Pretrained language models can be effectively stimulated by textual prompts or demonstrations, especially in low-data scenarios. Recent works have focused on automatically searching discrete or continuous prompts or optimized verbalizers, yet studies for the demonstration are still limited. Concretely, the demonstration examples are crucial for an excellent final performance of prompt-tuning. In this paper, we propose a novel pluggable, extensible, and efficient approach named contrastive demonstration tuning, which is free of demonstration sampling. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be: (i) Plugged to any previous prompt-tuning approaches; (ii) Extended to widespread classification tasks with a large number of categories. Experimental results on 16 datasets illustrate that our method integrated with previous approaches LM-BFF and P-tuning can yield better performance. Code is available in https://github.com/zjunlp/PromptKG/tree/main/research/Demo-Tuning.Comment: Work in progres